In Michigan, the COVID increase isn’t just among the unvaccinated anymore

A rise in new coronavirus infections and hospitalizations among the fully vaccinated has altered the COVID-19 picture in Michigan and the United States.

In Michigan, roughly a quarter of 8,100 recent cases have hit those who are fully vaccinated, according to new data released Wednesday.

And while the federal government had said the fully vaccinated accounted for just 3 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations, the Henry Ford Health System of hospitals said Wednesday that its current rate is between 15 to 20 percent.

Public health officials have long said breakthrough cases are inevitable because the vaccines are roughly 90 to 95 percent effective. Recent studies have shown lower rates of effectiveness, especially against the delta variant: one study from five states found the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was only 42 percent effective against that strain.

But medical experts have said those breakthrough cases would likely involve less serious illnesses and deaths.


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