By John R. Hall
Muskegon – Regular exercise and a healthy diet are keys to a healthy lifestyle. Bob Dingman found out that there is another ingredient to the healthy equation: high-quality nutritional supplements. So he made a business decision to become a representative/distributor of Reliv supplements. The decision was actually pretty easy.
“I heard stories about improving your immune system and improving your overall health,” Bob said. “My wife Teresa had MS and was not responding to her meds so I asked if Reliv would help her. Reliv got me on the phone with a lady that had MS and she told me how Reliv had helped her and that it might help Teresa. So I became a distributor that night and ordered products. Teresa did have good results on Reliv.”
Bob added that his wife got out of her wheel chair and started walking. She had more energy and an improved immune system. “I got good results too,” he said. “The pain in my knee went away and I was able to get off my allergy medications that I had been on for 40 years. I also had more energy, slept better, and was more focused.”
Reliv products are a blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins and phytonutrients and Reliv is the exclusive provider of LunaRich®, which the company calls “the world’s first epigenetic superfood.”
“Reliv is more than a great business,” Bob added. “It is helping people with their finances and improving their health and their family health. These products help people get off their allergy medications, help with bipolar, triglycerides, weight management, Diabetes and more. Reliv also helps raise energy levels.”
Bob made some other compelling points about Reliv. The company began 28 years ago and its products have been developed by three doctors. “The doctors believe that taking the proper nutrients can improve stamina, endurance, recovery, and help protect from injury,” he added. “These are some of the nutrients needed to stay active: Protein, Iron Antioxidants, B Vitamins, Creatine and Glutamine/Amino Acids.
“People who are interested in becoming a Reliv distributor can earn a good income. And after coming on as a Reliv distributor I and their team would help them build their business.”
Bob said it is very easy for people to order products. They can order from him directly or he can set them up with a Reliv customer number and then they can order their product online or over the phone; and have it shipped direct to their home. “I will follow up with the first view weeks to make sure that everything is going well with them,” he added.
For more information on Reliv products or how to become a distributor visit