$16.1 billion education budget marks ‘unprecedented’ investment for Michigan children

$16.1 billion education budget marks ‘unprecedented’ investment for Michigan children

From Tribune Newswire

Commerce Township, Mich. –Govenor. Rick Snyder signed a budget into law that provides what his office is calling an “unprecedented” $16.1 billion in funding for K-12 schools, community colleges and state universities.

“A quality education lays the foundation that supports a person’s success throughout their life,” Snyder said. “This funding provides a solid framework for our schools, community colleges and public universities to provide all of Michigan’s children with a

P-20 education that can prepare them for their future endeavors.”

Snyder signed Senate Bill 801, the School Aid Fund budget bill, at James R. Geisler Middle School in Commerce Township.

The School Aid Fund budget totals $14.2 billion. State funding for K-12 school districts has now increased to $12.1 billion, an increase of $1.4 billion since fiscal year 2011.


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