Muskegon detectives receive Peace Officers of the Year Award

Muskegon – Detectives Lisa Freres, Chad Petersen and Matt Schultz from the Muskegon County Sheriff’s Office received the 2018 Peace Officers of the Year award from the Michigan Fraternal Order of Police for their work in solving kidnapping and homicide cases in Muskegon County.

The detectives were honored after their efforts to solve a 2014 homicide and a 2016 abduction led to  the identification of a suspect, Jeffrey Willis, who was later sentenced to life in prison.

Since the 1970s, MiFOP has presented the Peace Officer of the Year award annually to law enforcement nominees in Michigan who exemplify dedication to public service and safety.

“These three detectives compiled a large volume of information and presented a clear case that resulted in a conviction for first degree murder,” says MiFOP President Mike Sauger.  “Their relentless effort and attention to detail helped make our communities safer.”

 Founded in 1939, the Michigan chapter of the FOP is Michigan’s largest and oldest law enforcement organization with 7,500 active members and 3,000 associate members in more than 50 lodges throughout the state.  FOP is committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those it serves through education, legislation, information, community involvement and employee representation.


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