U-M policy scholar: Israeli invasion of Lebanon worsens ongoing crises

U-M policy scholar: Israeli invasion of Lebanon worsens ongoing crises

The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is nearly four decades old. Hezbollah emerged in response to Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Since that time, Hezbollah and Israel have repeatedly engaged in battles and conflicts of varying degrees and intensity, most notably in 2006 when Hezbollah is largely viewed as having defeated Israel. Recently, Israel […]

GVSU students abroad during Nice terror attack are safe

GVSU students abroad during Nice terror attack are safe

GVSU students abroad during Nice terror attack are safe Allendale -A group of Grand Valley students and two faculty members were in Nice, France, July 14, when more than 80 people were killed during a terror attack on the city during a Bastille Day celebration. Everyone in the Grand Valley contingent is safe. The group […]