In response to data provided by the Muskegon County Public Health Department, which continues to show a decrease in the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the community, the Muskegon County Courts are increasing access to court operations in a way that improves in-person access and continues to protect the public.
Starting Monday, March 1, members of the general public will be permitted access to the courthouse.
General Court Business-
March 1st –March 12th – 10:00 am -4:00 pm, Monday-Thursday; Closed Fridays
Starting March 15th – 10:00 am -4:30 pm, Monday-Friday; Open Fridays (subject to vary by Department/Courts- check
Department/Courts’ website and social media for updates)
Scheduled Hearings- Court proceedings will be conducted virtually to the maximum extent possible, consistent with
Administrative Orders No. 2020-6 & 19. Anyone with a scheduled hearing or pending court matter will receive notice, via the US mail or electronic notification, regarding future hearing dates.
Zoom Hearings- Anyone receiving a hearing notice with instructions to appear via Zoom should follow the instructions contained in their notice to appear remotely.
In-person Hearings- The court will begin to send out limited notices to appear in-person. Hearing notices will indicate the scheduled time, which may be earlier than the building is open to the public for other matters. In-person court proceedings will be allowed on a limited basis based on capacity restrictions to ensure social distancing.
Jury Trials- Circuit/Family/Probate Court- Scheduled to resume in-person the week of March 22nd
District Court- Scheduled to resume in-person the week of April 19th
If you receive a juror summons, please follow the instructions on the summons.
To continue to limit the number of people in the courthouse and to avoid congregating in lines, the public is encouraged to utilize electronic filing, email and/or phone communication, and electronic payment options.
Protective measures have been put in place, including: new signage, installation of hand sanitizing stations, protective shielding, and physical barriers within court areas to ensure social distancing. Temperature checks, a brief health screening, which can be completed using the QR code below for quicker entry, as well as masks or face coverings will be required for everyone entering the Hall of Justice for court purposes.
The Muskegon County Courts are subject to Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Orders, which establish a phased approach to a return to full capacity of operations. The four-phased approach balances protecting public health, while increasing in-person access to court operations. This approach will continue until local, state, and federal governments agree that the pandemic has ended.
Court officials will continuously monitor local COVID-19 data and adjust plans related to staffing and public access to court facilities as needed. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding during this period of transition.
There are other offices in the Hall of Justice, such as the Prosecutor’s and Sheriff’s offices, who are independent of the courts. The Prosecutor’s office and Sheriff’s office hours for the public will be daily from 8:00 am- 5:00 pm.
For further information, contact:
14th Circuit Court Records: 231-724-6251 or (inquiries/document requests) and (filing of documents only and ex partes)
Family /Circuit Court: 231-724-6234 or (PPOs)
Circuit Court Collections: 231-724-3470
60th District Court:
Civil: 231-724-6329
Criminal/Traffic: 231-724-6258
Probate Court: 231-724-6241 or (Mental Health)