Michigan Veteran Homes Announces Giving Trees to Benefit Veteran Members

LANSING — Michigan Veteran Homes at Chesterfield Township (MVHCT) has raised their Veterans Giving Tree for the holiday season. Each star on the tree represents a gift requested by a veteran member or a life enrichment gift that would improve the quality of life for a group of veterans. All gifts bought for veteran members should be wrapped with the star selected from the tree attached to the package and returned to the front desk by December 12.

Due to the popularity of the giving tree campaign, community members should contact MVHCT Volunteer and Donations Coordinator Maxine Butler at 586-256-9921 or butlerm13@michigan.gov to confirm there are still stars available for selection.

In lieu of a gift, donations can be made online at Support MVH or by personal check. Checks can be addressed to Michigan Veteran Homes with “Charitable Funds” on the memo line and hand delivered to the front desk or mailed to 47901 Sugarbush Rd., Chesterfield Township, MI 48047. Charitable funds go towards improving the quality of life for veteran members.


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