Kathy Moore awarded The Jean Chabut Health Policy Champion Award

MUSKEGON, MI — Muskegon County announced Kathy Moore, Muskegon  County Public Health Director, received the Jean Chabut Health Policy Champion  Award for 2022. 

According to a recent press release from the Michigan Department of Health and  Human Services, the Jean Chabut Health Policy Champion award is a major part of the annual Public Health Week observance in Michigan. This award is presented to individuals and/or organizations that have made significant contributions toward the health and well-being of Michigan citizens in the policy area at the local and/or state level. The award ceremony was held on April 13 in the Rotunda of the State Capitol in  Lansing.  

Public Health Week in Michigan in 2022 was celebrated April 10 – 16 in conjunction with  National Public Health Week, which is an initiative of the American Public Health  Association.  

“This year’s theme, ‘Public Health is where you are’, provides us with a chance to highlight how the public health system keeps our communities healthy and safe as technologies advance, public attitudes towards health shift, and more health and safety options become available,” the MDHHS release states. 

“Muskegon County is honored Kathy has received this award,” stated Mark Eisenbarth,  Muskegon County Administrator. “Kathy has deployed her expertise and commitment 

each and every day to secure a safer, healthier, and stronger community. She has navigated the COVID-19 pandemic with grace, professionalism, and untiring commitment. Kathy and her staff have worked around the clock giving the residents  what we need to protect our families and communities.” 

The MDHHS also highlighted Kathy’s achievements stating “Kathy collaborated with community partners in the Muskegon area to make sure information was continuously available and accessible to members of her community. She has been able to respond to the area’s needs in a timely manner – taking calls early in the day to late at night.  Kathy’s efforts included COVID-19 vaccination and testing sites while being a source of accurate information for residents.


One Response to "Kathy Moore awarded The Jean Chabut Health Policy Champion Award"

  1. Gloria White Gardner   April 27, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    EXCELLENT. I am so very proud of Kathy and the work that she does to ensure better health care, wellness, awareness and equity in Muskegon County.
    CONGRATULATIONS Kathy Moore. Blessings as you continue on this journey.


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